The Symptoms, Causes and Treatment of Typhoid Fever

Typhoid Fever - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Each year, there are approximately 6,000 typhoid cases in the United States.Almost 75 percent of these are contractors when traveling overseas.Typhoid is a chance to cure soon, it can be treated with antimicrobials It is not treated, typhoid dead.

In the manufacturing perspective, although typhoid is another special threat. All inclusive, in 2010, there were 26.9 million open cases and about 200,000 of Typhoid announced paras.

Typhoid is a disease caused by micro-organisms semonola typhium. Bacteria live in digestive organs and people's circulatory system. It is transmitted to people through contact with the dung of a cure.None of the beings address this disease, so the human being is constantly in the human transmission system.

What is typhoid?

At the time of closure and, when not treated, the example of typhoid 1 out of 4 at the end of the death comes out. The treatment given in that incident is deadly in 4 of every 100 cases.S Tummy is found through the mouth and wounds in the panic substance within 1-3 weeks. After this time, it progresses in the gutter and circulatory system.

From the circulatory system, it spreads to different tissues and organs. Host-resistant arrangement can not be used in light of the fact that S Typhus can stay inside the host coasts, which is protected from the resistive framework.Blood, stool, urine, or bone marrow test is done through typhoid typhoid.

Symptoms of typhoid

Indicators regularly start the micro-organisms 6-30 days after the presentation. There are two important side effects of typhoid fever and rash. Typhoid fever is particularly high, elevates from step-over to 104 degrees Fahrenheit a few days longer.The rash which does not affect every patient, especially in the neck and middle-area .

Different manifestations may include deficiencies, stomach aches, obstructions, and cerebral casts; , And loose stomach, and miking (but not usually very much).In fact, in untreated cases, a faulty part of the stomach can end It can make parrotitis clear, which can be real.5

Note: Paratyphoid salmonella is made internally. Two conditions are comparatively serious. 

How to stop it Typhoid cases

People going to Africa, South America and Asia (especially India) should be cautious.Typhoid is spread through contaminated human disorders and angston. This can be caused by tainted water sources or nutrition care.

Typhoid Disease: A Case Report for Typhoid Disease

  • Drink Filtrated Water (Ideally Carbolated)
  • Filtration can not be solved on the possibility of water closure, gas bubbles in excess of gas and not less than a moment before transmission.
  • Be careful about eating anything else that is handled by someone else
  • Avoid feeding in road nutrition, and eat simply living foods which are roaring
  • Try not to drink a few minutes to drink
  • Keep a strategic distance from raw food produced from ground and peel your natural product (do not peel)

Typhoid vaccine

Prior to going into a high-risk area, vaccination against typhoid fever is recommended. It can be obtained through oral medicine or a closed injection:

Oral - Live, Attenuated Vaccine 4 Tablet Participation - taken on the second day, whose last time taken 1 week before travel.

Shot - Inactive vaccine, played 2 weeks prior to travel.

Note: Vaccines are not 100% effective and should be used with caution when eating and drinking.

Vaccination should not be started if the person is currently ill or is under the age of 6. No one should take a vibrant, oral diet with HIV.There may be side effects on the vaccine:

First Shot: Fever (1 in 100 cases)
Second shot: one headache (1 in 30 cases)
Third shot: redness or swelling in place of injection (1 in 15 cases)
Oral: fever or headache (1 in 20 cases)
Oral: stomach ache, nausea, vomiting, rash (rare)

Even when typhoid symptoms have passed, it is still possible to carry bacteria. As a result, it is difficult to completely eliminate the disease because its symptoms have been exposed Although two types of typhoid vaccines are available, a more powerful vaccine is still necessary. The live, verbal version of the vaccine is the strongest of both; After 3 years, it still protects individuals with 73% of the time infection. However, this vaccine has more side effects.

Current vaccines are not always effective, and because typhoid is very popular in poor countries, therefore more research should be done to find better ways to prevent its spread.Despite the efficacy, treating children in risky areas with current vaccines. Treatment of typhoid

The only effective treatment for the disease is the antibiotic that is most commonly used, in addition to cephroploxacin (for non-pregnant adults) and sephtexone antibiotics, it is sensible for reassignment by drinking enough water.

In more severe cases, where the bowel has been perforated, surgery may be required.

Antibiotic resistance 

With many other bacterial diseases, the problem of antibiotic resistance affects the choice of medicines available for patients with typhoid. In recent years, typhoid has become resistant to trimethromaprim-sulfaemthoxacol and ampicillin.

One of the major medicines for typhoid, ciprofloxacin is also facing a similar fate. Salmonella typhiureum resistance rate has been almost 35 percent due to some studies.
