For Mens - Foods that Increase Stamina and Prevent Erectile Dysfunction

Do you know that there are foods to build up till now? Our sex life is something that we all want to improve. There is no embarrassment in it and for many people, the possibility of 'being soft' is a real concern. But there is some good news, which should end your worries.

According to a new study, those who were enjoying the regular glass of red wine, and lots of sour fruits and berries like strawberry, blueberries, apples and pears were less likely to develop erectile dysfunction

Researchers found that only three or four portions or glasses of flavonoid-rich food and drink was associated with a reduced risk of the problem by up to 21%

Here are some foods you want to know about if you want to keep hard when the going gets rough.

Watermelon, Papaya, and Banana
Enriching potassium rich, arterial cells (small blood vessels) helps in increasing blood flow and thus improving an erection.

Nuts, milk, and cheese
Zinc occurs, which is good for male sex hormones testosterone, which in turn is essential for a build.

Garlic and onions contain alicin, which helps in increasing blood flow.

Similarly, dark chocolate contains flanonoids that increase blood flow.

Cherries have been effective in promoting health by cleaning action against free radicals.

Walnuts which are rich in omega 6 fatty acids and arginine help in the production of nitric oxide, thus causing relaxation of arterioles and increasing the blood flow.

Someone should pay attention that in some cases, diabetes leads to defects of straightening. Therefore, it is important for diabetics to control the level of sugar and maintain a healthy diet.

Apart from this, people who suffer from high blood pressure, they face problems and should try less salt diet.
