How Negative Feelings Affect your Whole Body

Human action and reaction is always based on the accumulation of emotions. With every experience, humans collect feelings like joy, happiness, sadness and depression.

Do you know that each of your emotions has released some chemicals to your body?

It is well researched by research that when a person is happy, his brain releases chemicals like oxytocin, dopamine or serotonin. In the equivalent when you are under pressure, the body leaves the cortisol on the basis of the strength of negative emotions.
So, how to control the secretion of these chemicals?

When you are unhappy, the chemicals actually released damages your body. Would you like to stop this damage? Let's see the 2 easiest ways you can control it.

1. Conception perception

Concepts play an important role when you react to a certain position. Your perception of an event will determine how you feel and what kind of emotion you will generate. It is better to keep your perception on the neutral mark and move on in the state of mental consciousness.

2. Quiet your mind and body

Easy ways to listen, listen to music, listen to guided imagery CDs or MPS, yoga, and Tai Chi are useful ways to balance your emotions Free guided imagery videos are also available on YouTube

Meditation is a form of guided thought. It can take many forms, for example, you can do it by exercising, stretching, or breathing deeply. Ask your family doctor for advice on relaxation methods

When to see doctor?

If your negative emotions do not go away and they are so strong that they prevent you from enjoying life, especially to talk to your doctor, it is important that you may have a doctor who has "major depression" it is said. Depression is a medical illness that can be treated with personal counseling, medicine or both.

Negative emotions can actually hurt your body and make you sick. The effect of negative thoughts is not visible immediately, but know that it is causing great trouble for you.
